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Rosliston is a busy little village check out below to find out more.​

Village Facilities  

Rosliston Pre School

Our fun and friendly pre-school currently has spaces available for children from the age of 2yrs and 3 months. The pre-school is run by a qualified team and held at the Village Hall, Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm, during term time. As a long standing part of the community, the pre-school is always happy to welcome volunteers, on a regular or ad hoc basis, to help out in the session or preparing snacks (you don't have to have a child at the pre-school to volunteer). For more information on the pre-school or volunteering please call 07986 171055 (9am-12pm) or email or ring Gaynor Roberts on 01283 762544.

Rosliston Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs Greenwood 01283 761409. Website:

"​I have three events to bring to your attention;


1. Tea and Buns in school on 1st July from 1.30 - 3.00pm - everyone welcome. Refreshments and raffle.


2. Summer Fair in school / outside (weather dependant) on 12th July 3.30 - 5.00pm. Everyone welcome, stalls, refreshments, raffle etc.


3. Barton gate Steam Rally and Family Festival 2013. This will take palce at Needwood Rise Farm, Barton Gate on 20th and 21st July 2013. Admission £5, under 16s £1. There will be a large and small steam engines / traction engines, classic vintage cars, commercial vehicles and tractors. Water balls, chainsaw sculpting demonstrations, dancers, magician, dog agility, falconry display and craft stalls etc. Something for everyone, young and old. All proceeds will be donated to the local Air Ambulance."

Mrs Greenwood



Saturday Kids Football

Run by John Allsop & Jamie Brearley. Open to boys and girls of all ages and abilities from Rosliston, Coton and the surrounding areas. Mums and Dads welcome. Meet at school field behind Plough every Saturday morning 10-11am. Contact John on 01283 761705 or Jaime 07968 353440 for details.

Thursday Football

Dads kick-about behind Plough PH 7pm Thursday evenings.

Contact Jaime 07968 353440 for details.


If you would like to find out more please contact the Group Scout Leader, Andy Winebloom at or 07745 959687.

We are urgently looking for people that would be willing to join our team to help plan and run evenings. No previous experience necessary just a good sense of humour! To find out more please contact the Group Scout Leader Andy Winebloom. 


Rosliston Parish Council

Mr Paul Marbrow (Chair) Mrs Sarah Hill (Vice chair) Mrs Lynn Sullivan (Clerk)

Representative Councellors: Mr Ormond Hooper  Mrs Emma Wrigley  Mr Brian Matkin  Mrs Louise Ross. If you wish to contact the P.C. please email Paul Marbrow at

Pins and Crafts Group

Ladies Fellowship - 1 Vicarage Walk - 2nd and 4th Mondays between 7-9pm. Come for part or all of it. Have a cuppa and a chat while you sew, patchwork, quilt, knit, spin, embroider or any other craft on the go. We all help each other if we can. We can arrange lifts within the village so everyone is welcome. Contact Suzanne 01283 760652 for details.


Know Your Bible

Ladies Fellowship - 1 Vicarage Walk - 2nd and 4th Fridays 9.30-11.30 then a cuppa and a chat. Contact Suzanne 01283 760652.

Medical Centre

Rosliston Medical Centre, Main Street, Rosliston. Derbyshire. DE12 8JW. Appointments 01283 761527. Website

Rosliston Astronomy Club 



Taurus Photographic Club

Taurus Photographic Club meet every Thursday night from September to April in the Bulls Head Function room at 7.15pm. If you are interested in photography, and new members are always welcome, just turn up. Please visit for more information.

Mobile Library - twice a month


Rosliston W.I.

Meet at VH 7pm first Wednesday of each month (excl Aug). Anyone wishing to join are invited to drop in.  

St Mary's Church
Church Warden: Marion Jenns

St Mary's is open for Christenings, Marriages and Funerals. Please ring Marion on 01283 761037 if you wish to book the church. Volunteers required for Refurbishment Fundraising - ring Mrs Marion Jenns if you can donate or assist in any way.

Church Lottery - Over the past couple of years, the restoration fund has survived mainly from St Mary's Bonus Ball. This still runs and we are looking for new members. To play, simply pay £1 each week for a chance to win £15 (to make it easy for the collectors it is a 10 week collection cycle.) Being a Church fund raising scheme, the emphasis is not on the gambling aspect but a chance to help the church and maybe win as well. Please join and support our Church, contact Diane on 01283 761448 now.

Rosliston & Cauldwell Village Hall

Available for hire £10.00 per hour / charity groups £8.50 per hour - ring Heather 01283 762832

Classes - 

Monday - Pilates - 6-7pm & 7-8pm ring Michelle 07870 473927 for more details

​Tuesday - Yoga 7.00 - 8.00. Turn up with mat.

Wednesday - Extend exercise class 3.30 - 4.30. Exercise for over 50s - just turn up to find out more.

W.I. - First Wednesday evening in each month. Just turn up if wish to join.

Thursday - Zumbatonic for children 6.00 - 7.00. Adult Zumba 7.00 - 8.00. Ring Kylie 01283 550057.

Rosliston Primary School - Every Mon Wed Fri 1-3pm.

Rosliston Under 5's Pre-School - Every weekday 9-12pm.

Little Ladybirds Lunch Club and Creche - for small children run by Emma Priest - ring Emma 01283 211723 for details.


The Village Hall Committee are looking for new members to help with the organisation of the hall and to help with putting on events and fundraising - please ring Heather 01283 762832.


​© Copyright 2012 Joanne Whitlock all rights reserved.

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